Student Chapter

Student Chapters in the North East

Eastern Connecticut State University - Eastern Connecticut
Sacred Heart University - Coastal Fairfield County

University of Massachusetts Lowell - Boston
Boston University - Boston MA
Worcester State University - Providence

University of Maine Bangor-Waterville

New Hampshire
SNHU  New Hampshire

New Jersey
New Jersey Institute of Technology Morris - Essex
Monmouth University - North Jersey Shore
Rutgers University  - New Brunswick Raritan Valley
Camden County College  - Greater Philadelphia

New York
College of Mount  - Saint Vincent New York
College of Westchester - Westchester Gateway
DeVry University - IMA
Hofstra University - Long Island
Iona College - Westchester Gateway
Ithaca College Ithaca - Cortland
Long Island University Post - Long Island
Molloy College - Long Island
Queens College - Long Island
St. John's University - Jamaica New York
Stony Brook University - Long Island
University at Albany  - Tech Valley
University at Buffalo - SUNY Buffalo
York College - Long Island

Rhode Island
Rhode Island College  - Providence
Salve Regina University  - Providence